
A Public Works Permit is required prior to performing work in any public right-of-way or public utility easement. If work is also planned on private property, then a separate Building Permit must be obtained through the Building Division.
The City of Phoenix Public Works Department issues permits through the Community & Economic Development Department according to the following procedure to ensure an efficient, diligent, and safe process for all parties involved. Permits must be issued in advance of any work taking place or any infringement of the public right-of-way.
Permit Process
Encroachment Permits are issued for the private long-term use of the public right-of-ways and easements, including but not limited to landscaping, parking, utilities, accesses, sidewalks, driveway aprons, etc. An Encroachment Permit along with the site map detailing the type of encroachment in regards to the right-of-way or public easement and Traffic Control Plans must be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to commencing work. Submit application with permit fee to Planning and Building Department. All Encroachment Permits require review and approval by the Public Works Director. Please review the following information and have all the necessary documents prepared before calling or coming into the Public Works office to apply for a permits.
On-site inspections by Public Works are required for any work under Encroachment Permit. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to contact Public Works 24 hours in advance to schedule an inspection. The inspection is covered under the cost of the permit. For sewer inspections, call Rogue Valley Sewer Services at 541-664-6300.
Insurance Requirements
Before the City of Phoenix can issue a right-of-way permit, the Permittee must provide proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance.
Prior to beginning any work or activities under this Permit, the Permittee shall confirm in writing to the City that Permittee has obtained a commercial general liability insurance policy that provides: (i) for a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per each incident or occurrence, and with an annual aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000 ; (ii) for extended reporting period coverage for claims made within two years after the activities, work or associated work authorized under this Permit is completed; (iii) for the City, its officers, employees and agents to be named as additional named insureds for all activities, work or associated work being authorized under this Permit. This Permit is automatically revoked without further action if the insurance is permitted to lapse, is canceled, or for any other reason becomes inoperative. Insurance policy limits quoted herein are minimums set by State Law.
Download a printable version of these insurance requirements to provide to your insurer.
Review a sample Certificate of Liability
Traffic Control Plans
Permits for construction in the public right of way require a City approved traffic control plan showing the intended placement of all necessary signage and traffic control devices used to direct traffic around the site.
Traffic control plans should:
- Conform to the Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook
- Be designed by a representative of the permit applicant knowledgeable in the principles of proper temporary traffic control
- Clearly show the work area
- Include traffic control provisions to accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic that may be affected
- Show any “no parking” areas needed to accommodate traffic and work in the work zone
If construction requires multiple phased traffic control configurations, a TCP for each phase should be submitted.
Business Licenses
Businesses operating in the City of Phoenix must have a business license to work within the city. If you are a contractor of any kind, a business license is required before an Encroachment Permit can be issued.