Public Works & Engineering



The City works to improve the safety of the City’s transportation and pedestrian grid, invest in the urbanization of city streets to include bicycle and pedestrian connectivity, and develop multi-use paths for the betterment of the community. 

The Public Works Department manages approximately 22 miles of roadways including operations associated with streets including the implementation of the city's street maintenance program, maintenance of stormwater facilities, watering in the Downtown Business District, and the procurement of street services for major streets projects.

Street Sweeping

The City of Phoenix strives to keep our streets clean and free of debris that might
make its way into our storm drain system and ultimately into our creeks and streams.

In order to keep our streets clean the city has a street sweeping program. It is the goal of the program that every street in the city that can be swept is swept once a month.

East Side and Main Street (purple area) 1st Friday of the Month
Old Town (green area) 2nd Friday of the Month
West Side (blue area) 3rd Friday of the Month

Planning to Dig?

The State of Oregon requires anyone, even homeowners, who plan to dig or excavate, to have all utilities in the work area located.

For free utilities location call 8-1-1 or visit or call the "Oregon Utility Notification Center" Statewide Toll Free: 1-800-332-2344.

Please call at least 48 hours in advance. After receiving a call, the Oregon Utility Notification Center notifies all of the utilities that have lines in the area of notification that they will need to locate and mark the whereabouts of their underground utilities.

Various utilities have service lines buried at different levels which makes it very important to call before you start any project that requires digging.

Project examples for home owners might include planting trees, putting up a fence, building a deck or any yard excavation.
