Election Information
Are you thinking about running for an Elected position this November? Below is some information to help you determine what positions you would qualify for. A good document to introduce you to the procedure of being an elected official is "So you want to run for local office" produced by the League of Oregon Cities. This short document gives a brief overview of what to expect as an elected official.
For all election information pertaining to Phoenix City Government, contact the City Recorders Office at 541-535-1955 Ext 302.
For all election information pertaining to Jackson County, contact Jackson County Elections at 541-776-7181.
City Elections Procedures
The elected Mayor position serves a two-year term. Elected City Council members serve four-year terms, and the election for these positions are held in November of every other year. The next election for City Officials will be November 5, 2024. The positions up for election will be 3 Council positions and Mayor.
All forms and instructions on filing for a City Office are available through the City Recorder's Office in City Hall at 112 W 2nd Street or by calling the City Recorder at 541-535-1955 Ext. 302.
Open positions for the November 2024 election are three four year Councilor positions ending 12/31/24 and the position of Mayor, ending 12/31/2024. Candidates must gather at least 28 signatures of registered voters. However, it is highly suggested to collect at least 35 signatures in case any of the signatures you gathered are invalid. Suggested deadlines for petitions to be filed with the City Recorder by 3:00 PM, August 20, 2024. The election will be held on November 5, 2024. Successful candidates will take office at the first Council meeting of January 2025, after taking the Oath of Office.
PLEASE NOTE: NO political activity can be conducted without filing the proper paperwork with the City Recorder first.
2024 City of Phoenix City Elections Time Frame
June 05, 2024, - Candidate packets released
June 05, 2024, - The first day to file for candidate vacancies - DO NOT GATHER SIGNATURES until approval letter has been received from the City Recorder.
August 20, 2024, - Suggested deadline for submitting signatures (SEL 338) to City Recorder. After this date, the County may not be able to complete signature verification by August 27, 2024.
August 30, 2024, 3:00 pm - Last day to withdraw candidacy.
September 08, 2024, - Elections signs can go up. Please read the candidate packet for details on approved signage
September 09, 2024 - Last day to file a candidate statement for inclusion in the County Voter's Pamphlet, with the County. Include a $50.00 fee to County Elections Office.
November 05, 2024 - Election Day.
November 10, 2024 - All elections signs must be removed.
December 16, 2024 - Council adoption of election results.
At the time of election to City office, a candidate must be a qualified elector as defined in Section 2, Article II of the Oregon Constitution and shall have been a resident within the city limits of the City of Phoenix for the twelve-month period immediately preceding the November 05, 2024, election.
The 2024 City election is regulated by State election law and the City of Phoenix city charter and ordinances. Candidates are required to comply with the election requirements of these regulations. Election forms and petitions must be completed properly and submitted within the designated filing period. The City will reject filings that are incomplete or improperly submitted. Deficient election forms or petitions may be corrected and resubmitted within the designated period.