Community & Economic Development


The Planning Department manages current and long range planning activities in the City of Phoenix. Current planning involves implementation of adopted land use plans, policies and development regulations through review of specific land use and development applications. Development review includes re-zones, tree permits, conditional use permits, preliminary subdivisions, final plats and site development plan applications.

In some cases, development review approval must be obtained before a building permit can be issued.  If you would like construct a new house, build an addition to an existing home, change or expand an existing commercial building, or add signage,  you may need permits from the City of Phoenix.  If you have questions about permit requirements, please contact the Community & Economic Development Department at 541-535-2050.

Planning Form

Applications, Permits & Guides

current planning_2

Current Planning Actions


Regulations & Policies

PC Review

Planning Commission

Long Range Planning

Long-Range Planning

