City Council
Council Meetings
Speaking at a City Council Meeting
How do I get to speak?
First, sign up to speak by placing your name on the signup sheet. Then, note the agenda item you want to address or leave the agenda item blank. At the start of the meeting, the Mayor will call on you during this section of the Agenda.
When can I speak?
Citizen Comments is the section of the agenda providing an opportunity for citizens to speak from the floor addressing the Council or Planning Commission or other committees that are not a pending agenda item or issues relevant to the City. Your comments must be limited to three (3) minutes.
What do I do?
When it is your turn to speak, the Mayor/Chair will acknowledge you by calling your name. At that time, you may come forward to address Council or approach the microphone at this time.
What do I say?
First, state your name and address while speaking clearly for the record. Then, express your view, ask questions, or offer suggestions in a courteous and considerate manner. This is your opportunity to get your comments into the City’s record.
When addressing the Council or Commission members, it is common to address them by their title as Mayor, Councilor, or Commissioner. Remember to direct all remarks and questions to the Council/Commission and through the Mayor/Chair. This is your opportunity to address Council/Commission; however it is not a conversation. It is appropriate to address the audience or City staff directly. If you have a complaint against a City employee, the Council/Commission meeting is not the place to air it. Please make an appointment with the City Manager.
Elected Officals
Elected officials serve four year terms, and the the election for these positions are held in November during a General Election. The Mayor and Council serve four-year terms. There are four ward positions and two at-large positions.
About the City Council
The City Council of the City of Phoenix is composed of the Mayor and six Councilors nominated and elected from the city at large. The term of office of the Mayor is two years. The term of office of each Council member is four years. The election of City Councilors is non-partisan and is held in even-numbered years. The term of office of each Councilor shall commence at the first meeting of the year immediately following after the election.
The City Council elects a Council president at its first meeting in January each year. The Council president shall perform the duties of Mayor in the absence of that officer. In the absence of the Mayor from the city or the inability of the Mayor to act, the president of the Council shall have and exercise the power to perform all duties of the Mayor.
The City Council appoints and evaluates a professional city manager who serves as the executive head of city government, with responsibility for preparing and administering the annual budget, supervising the City’s departments, advising the Council on policy issues and current developments, implementing Council decisions, and providing leadership to managers and staff in achieving Council goals and priorities.
Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed agenda and the meeting is conducted in accordance with the State of Oregon Public Meetings Law.