Community & Economic Development

Economic Development

Economic Development

The City of Phoenix includes Economic Development as a function of the Community and Economic Development (CEDEV) Department to ensure that policies and projects related to development, land use and planning are designed and implemented with consideration of the impacts on business retention, development and recruitment.

The City of Phoenix supports existing businesses in their continued success and development while also working with businesses and developers to bring more commerce to Phoenix.  The CEDEV Department helps with business retention and development primarily by working with business owners and community members to identify actions needed to remove unnecessary barriers for businesses and to implement projects designed to support businesses.

Economic Development

These actions include amending the City’s urban growth boundary (UGB) to add much of the area known as the South Valley Employment Center (area north of Phoenix along North Phoenix Road). This area is intended to provide large tracts of land for regional employment opportunities.

The City of Phoenix was recently awarded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to construct new shared parking and stormwater treatment facilities in the downtown area. These facilities will support existing businesses in the downtown core while also helping to reduce the cost of development for those considering building in downtown Phoenix.  As part of this project, the city will be install sidewalks along Hwy 99 south of downtown, in an area seeing an increase in pedestrian activity.

What is Economic Development?

Economic development is a collaborative effort to improve a community's economic well-being and quality of life. It involves a range of activities, including:
  • Creating jobs
  • Attracting and retaining businesses
  • Promoting the community's assets
  • Making and selling more local products
  • Getting more skilled workers to live in the community
  • Building out education systems, recreational parks, and public safety infrastructure
  • Allocating resources like land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
  • Influencing private sector investment


Economic Development
Biologic Crop Solutions

Economic Development & Revitilization Projects

Downtown Public Parking Development

The City of Phoenix has applied for and received $3.6 million in Community Development Block Grant (Disaster Recovery) funds to construct four parking areas in the core downtown area.  Construction of these parking areas will reduce the overall development costs for those seeking to develop in the downtown and minimize costs for stormwater management.

Affordable Housing Infrastructure Development

Assisting Affordable Housing with Needed Infrastructure

The City of Phoenix, working with Business Oregon identified, applied for and secured a $1.65 million grant to extend sewer, water and stormwater services to an 88 unit affordable housing project along Grove Road.  This project will extend sewer from the end of Fern Valley (approximately 2,100 feet)to the project site and construct a new collector road providing access to more residential land and to the PH-10 Urban Reserve.

Housing Development

Affordable Housing - Pacific Flats

Pacific Flats is a 72-Unit affordable housing project funded by the Local Innovation and Fast Tract (LIFT) grant funds.  This project received funding in the amount of $13,515,000 and is currently under construction.  When complete, this project will include three three-story buildings, two two-story buildings and a clubhouse.

Affordable Housing - Phoenix Corner

The 4-acre site will allow for 88 units of affordable housing, including one two-story, garden-style residential building and four three-story, garden-style buildings. A single-story community building with leasing and resident services offices, a community room with a kitchen, and laundry facilities will be located onsite. Additional outdoor amenities include a playground area, long-term bicycle parking, a dog run and parking with 25 EV-ready parking spaces.


Urban Renewal


Incentives & Tools


Economic Data


Community Profile