Urban Growth Boundaries
Oregon laws clearly distinguish between urban land uses and rural land uses. In many states, city governments function independently from county governments and there is no coordinated process to allow for urban expansion into rural areas. Oregon’s land use program created urban growth boundaries (UGBs) that are intended to supply land for urban expansion as populations increase. A city may annex land within a UGB and adjacent to the city limits through a relatively uncomplicated process because the land has already been determined to be appropriate for urban development.
Expanding a UGB is a more complicated process involving review and approval of a UGB expansion by both the city and county, in conformance with the Phoenix/Jackson County Urban Growth Boundary and Policy Agreement, most recently updated in May 1995. Expansion of a UGB requires findings of a need for more land for residential, commercial, industrial, or public land that cannot be accommodated within the current UGB. Further, decision-makers must find that the land proposed for expansion best satisfies the need, when compared with other potential expansion areas.
Urban Growth Boundaries are an effective tool for making long-term planning decisions. Landowners outside UGBs can rely on the boundaries to invest in farm and forest practices without worrying that their land will soon be urbanized, while landowners inside UGBs can make plans for eventual urbanization of their properties.
Recent UGB Amendments
Following the adoption of Ordinance #1014 revising the city's Urbanization Element, staff prepared and submitted an application for UGB and UGBMA amendment to Jackson County for their review. The Jackson County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application May 26, 2022 where the Commission voted unanimously in favor of recommending approval of the application to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners. The Jackson County Board of Commissioners then conducted a public hearing on the application July 6, 2022 where too voted unanimously to approve the application.
Following approval by the Jackson County Board of Commissioners, the City of Phoenix Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application (CP21-01). Having received a staff report and testimony from the public, both the Phoenix Planning Commission and City Council voted unanimously in favor of approval.
The approval of this application by the City of Phoenix resulted in the amendment of the City’s UGB as shown on the map to the left. The new UGB became effective on December 12, 2022.
Goal 1: Concise, transparent and frequent communication to build culture of respect, accountability and excellence. Leadership that is accessible, responsive and proactive.
Goal 9: Continue to advocate for PH-3 and PH-5 inclusion.