Code Amendments
Comprehensive plans and land development codes are the primary local guiding documents for a city’s land use program. A comprehensive plan includes broad goals and implementing policies that conform to the planning goals and guidelines established by the Oregon Land Development and Conservation Commission. A land development ordinance serves as the implementing tool for the comprehensive plan, regulating land uses and providing design standards in each zone.
These documents are not static. Changes in federal and state laws periodically must be reflected in the local code, and changes in local circumstances may also point to the need for a community to revise its guiding documents. Any revision to the text of the comprehensive plan and zoning regulations is a legislative action that requires review and approval by the City Council after the Planning Commission has provided a recommended course of action. Both reviews include public hearings, allowing residents to express their views regarding the proposal. The city must also notify the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and other agencies to request comment. After the city has reached its final decision, it must submit notice of the decision to DLCD.