Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study/Work Session
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study/Work Session
March 04, 2024
5:30 p.m. Public Meeting
Hybrid Meeting in Person and Via Zoom
Phoenix Plaza Civic Center 220 N. Main St./Via Zoom
A complete agenda packet is available on the city’s website. This meeting is being conducted in person and virtually to allow for public participation. A recording of the meeting in its entirety will be posted to To comment on agenda items, please write your name on the sign-in sheet and include the item number, if attending via Zoom raise your hand when the topic is discussed by Council. If you need special accommodations, please give the City Recorder 72-hours prior notice.
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Webinar ID: 875 4658 4460
Passcode: 088737
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1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirmation of a Quorum
Except as provided in Section 33 of the City Charter, a minimum of four Council Members are needed for a quorum and to conduct city business. If the Mayor is needed to establish a quorum, then he/she may become a voting member for that meeting (Phoenix Municipal Code, Chap. 2.28.020.A.4).
2. Discussion – Highway 99 / Bear Creek Greenway Corridor Revisioning Project Update,…………………………………………………………………………………….…….3
3. Adjournment