Water and Utility Fee Rates

The City of Phoenix Water Utility is a self-supporting Enterprise Fund.  The operation of the water service is paid for by the customers receiving water services.  City taxes are not used to support this service.

In addition to the ongoing operations of the water utility system, Outside City Limits customers pay a higher rate equal to one and one-half times the inside city rate in order to cover the Charlotte Ann water line relocation costs.

INSIDE City Limits Water Rates

Effective July 1, 2024
Per Resolution No. 1040

Base Monthly Water Fee – up to 5,000 gallons (*per unit)
Single Family……………………………………………………………………………………………$45.68
Each unit in a multi-family……………………………………………………………..$45.68
Each unit in a mobile home park………………………………………………..$45.68
Commercial and Industrial…………………………………………………………….$45.68

Rates for consumption:
Tier 1:  0 - 5,000 Gallons (First 5,000 Gallons included in Base Monthly Fee)......$0.00
Tier 2:  5,001 - 10,000 Gallons..................................................................................................................$2.44
Tier 3:  10,001 - 50,000 Gallons...............................................................................................................$3.04
Tier 4:  Over 50,000 Gallons....................................................................................................................$ 3.41

Street User Fee
Single Family...................................................................................................$2.40
Each unit in a multi-family *Approximate*................................................$1.63
Each unit in a mobile home park *Approximate*.....................................$1.21
Churches, Schools, Commercial, and Industrial…......Based on Traffic Flow
Highway Utility Maintenance Fee............................................................$ .75

Utility Fees (per unit or per 10 employees):
Public Safety..................................................................................................$3.00
Parks Maintenance.......................................................................................$2.00

*Per Ordinance 541 as amended by Ordinance 639

OUTSIDE City Limits Water Rates

Effective July 1, 2024
Per Resolution No. 1126

Base Monthly Water Fee – up to 5,000 gallons (*per unit)
Single Family……………………………………………………………………………………………$68.52
Each unit in a multi-family……………………………………………………………..$68.52
Each unit in a mobile home park………………………………………………..$68.52
Commercial and Industrial…………………………………………………………….$68.50

Rates for consumption:
Tier 1:  0 - 5,000 Gallons (First 5,000 Gallons included in Base Monthly Fee)......$0.00
Tier 2:  5,001 - 10,000 Gallons..................................................................................................................$3.66
Tier 3:  10,001 - 50,000 Gallons...............................................................................................................$4.56
Tier 4:  Over 50,000 Gallons....................................................................................................................$5.12


*Per Ordinance 541 as amended by Ordinance 639