Important Informaiton

A request that is extraordinary and significantly disrupts regular City duties will be charged whether copies are provided or not. The City may not establish a fee greater than $25 unless the requestor is provided with written notification of the estimated amount and the requestor confirms they want the City to proceed. Prepayment shall be required if the amount of the request is greater than $25

Copies of public records may be furnished without cost or at a substantial reduction if the City Manager determines the waiver is in the public interest. The waiver or reduction request review will weigh the requestor’s ability to pay and the possible financial hardship on the City that might arise from granting the waiver. A denied fee waiver or reduction requestor may appeal the decision to the district attorney.

Copies of routine materials personal to a requestor will be furnished without charge except for police reports.

Copies of routine materials requested by any Phoenix elected official, appointed advisory board or representative of a recognized neighborhood association will be furnished without charge if the request relates to information needed to act in one’s official capacity.

Other Fees associated with Pulbic Records Request

Per ORS 192.440(4)(a), the City of Phoenix has established reasonable fees to reimburse the City for actual costs of staff time to conduct specialized requests and extractions of computerized data. No public record request will be processed absent prepayment of the estimated cost. You will be required to pay the costs of processing your public records request even if no records are found, or if the records are exempt from disclosure.

Fees (per Resolution No. 1011)

Photocopies $0.25
Returned NSF Check $25.00
Fax $5.00 first page, $1.00 thereafter
Thumb Drive Requestor will need to provide thumb drive
Research Fees Staff time and cost