Automatic payment withdraws the amount due on your monthly water bill from your credit or debit card each month. If you choose this method of payment, you can access your bill here and register your account to make a one-time payment, schedule future payments, and set up a credit or debit card for reoccurring payments. You can also sign up for email notifications alerting you when you have a new bill or past due balance.
Note: Water bills do vary seasonally and generally go up in the summer months or due to changes in the fees charged. As the program automatically withdraws the amount, customers who use direct payment need to plan for the amount of the bill to be different each month and also for a higher bill for the summer months. It is the customer’s responsibility to keep this information updated prior to the due date.
Pay in person at City Hall, located at 220 N. Main St.
Drop off current payment at approved depository. (DO NOT drop delinquent payments in the depositories, they will not be received in time to avoid service shut-off and penalties.) The approved depository is located in front of City Hall.
Pay by mail (DO NOT MAIL delinquent payments: bring them into City Hall to avoid service being discontinued and additional late fees.)
Payment Types
Discover, MasterCard, VISA, Debit Card with the VISA or MasterCard logo, American Express, or E-check.
Checks made out to:
City of Phoenix
PO Box 330
220 N. Main St.
Phoenix, Oregon 97535
Returned Checks
If your bank returns your check for non-sufficient funds, you will need to remit payment in the form of cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card*. In addition to the amount due, a $25.00 returned check fee will also be required. Payments will need to be made in person at City Hall located at 220 N. Main St. by the required date to avoid having your service disconnected.
Past Due
Water bills are due when received and if not paid by the 20th of the month, they are delinquent. On the 21st day you will automatically be charged a late fee of $10.00. There is no grace period.
Disconnected Water Service for Delinquency
Your balance or past due balance must be paid by the 20th of the month or your water service will be disconnected without further notice. Services will be restored when the total balance and the reconnection fee has been paid in full. The $70.00 reconnection fee is paid in advance of turning water services back on.
* fees apply